Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Disc: Totally not education policy related, (except for the poetry lesson)
I could not stop wondering today if Sen. Sessions (R-AL) has actually read Robert Frost's The Mending Wall. Sessions quotes the passage, "good fences make good neighbors" when advocating for closing the border between us and Mexico. Now, I am no expert, but I personally had always thought that in the poem, Frost was being ironic. He was really writing about how we build barriers between us to distance ourselves from each other, which in the end does not really doesn't make us "good neighbors."
***It will be an interesting couple of weeks as the immigration bill goes through both houses. (For background on this issue see here, here, and here).
p.s. speaking of borders...why are Mexico and Central America getting all the attention? I mean, don't you think we should also be concerned about all those crazy Candians coming in as
**And keep an eye out for the legislation about making English the official language that is being voted on in the Senate today.
Update: If Frost only knew his poem was becoming the anti-immigration battle cry
I don't have anything to say about immigration but I hate to see poetry abused. The first line of Frost's poem: "Something there is that doesn't love a wall."
By , at May 18, 2006 7:49 PM
And the senator uses the poem to argue it's time to build a wall. Have you no sense of poetry, sir?
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