Sounds a Little Edufishy to Me
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
According to this article I read today, the newly minted Think Tank Review Panel sounds a little shady. I find it slightly suspect that they chose Cato, Hoover, and Manhatten Institute as their first picks to review. Even more shady was that they found all of the articles reviewed to have "weakness in the analysis" and "omit key information that would allow well-known threats to validity to be addressed in a straightforward way."
(Hmmm...interesting that the three conservative think tanks get a thumbs down....I wonder if certain other think tanks would get the same type of reviews....)
Education has had to defend its street cred compared with the other social sciences when it comes to research and evaluation. (Even the main research association gets slammed from time to time). Education is an incredibly hard subject to research because of all its complexities and unknowns. The last thing this field needs is biased reviews of education policies and research that will confuse our public even more about how to best educate our kids.
I don't know if the problem w/ this group will be those that they choose to critique, or that their technical criticisms won't really be accessible to the "policymakers and reporters" for whom they intend to "clarify" research.
By NMD, at April 19, 2006 9:00 AM
Reading a couple of the reviews, I found they were written in technical academic jargon-- while direct critiques of studies are important, I'm not quite sure how critiques of this sort are an improvement over the supposed clarity vaccuum that research laymen currently experience!
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