Steamy Young Kozol!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Before he was the education muckraker we all know and love (or, in some cases, love to shake our heads at), Jonathan Kozol was a 22-year old whippersnapper who wrote.... romance novels?!
After reading about The Fume of Poppies in an Atlantic Monthly Fiction Issue article about novels set on college campuses, my curiosity got the best of me. I paid $1.25 for a used copy of Young Kozol's lone (and long out-of-print) foray into fiction writing.
It came today, and I have to say it looks pretty juicy! From the back cover:
In that year at Cambridge I began to realize what it means to make love. When you make love you are molding it by what you are doing, forming it in your fingers and pressing it between your limbs. There love is born at least--and only there. That is why I do not understand when I hear people talk of love that knows no flesh. I do not think that there is any such thing as that.We all know that Kozol is an evocative writer in books about children, such as Savage Inequalities. Who knew that he had cut his writing teeth on something a little more... adult?!